Zeus Juice 50ml
Zeus Juice Vermillion Reloaded 50ml Shorfill 0mg The essence of life, Vermilion flows within the gods. A reloaded blend of sweet cherries fuelled with potent aniseed and an intense menthol will ignite life into your tastebuds and enrapture your soul.
Zeus Juice Helios 50ml Shortfill 0mg Harnessing the warmth of the summer sun, our Helios juice plays the balance between sweet and sour. With its combination of the velvety softness of tangy apricots and the delicious juiciness of perfect peaches, its warm rich blend encapsulates a delectable touch of the tropics.
Zeus Juice Apollo 50ml Shortfill 0mg Our Apollo juice is borne from the mythical blue fruit planted by Zeus. A little bit raspberry, a little bit blueberry, the inimitable blend comes together to create a smooth but strong flavour combination intertwined with the tanginess of fizzy lemonade.
Zeus Juice Athene 50ml Shortfill 0mg Our Athene juice makes a sweet summertime statement with its all-day fruity flavour. Exploding with juicy watermelon and freshly picked strawberries, this juice is blended to perfection with tangy lemonade to give it a citrusy kick.
Zeus Juice Nessie 50ml Shortfill 0mg With a nod to the elusive taste of Scotland’s favourite drink, our Nessie vape is an obscure blend that is hard to pin down. With assorted hints from orange and blackberry to tutti-frutti and bubble gum, try our scrumptious Nessie juice and see if you can find the flavour.
Zeus Juice The Animal 50ml Shortfill 0mg The Animal is on the hunt, on the spoor of The Black. The refreshing scent of sweet oranges with the original dark berry and blackcurrant base, laced with a wisp of menthol. Orange is the new Black…
Zeus Juice Daphne 50ml Shortfill 0mg Our Daphne vape evokes the sweet and tart delight of blackberry cheesecake. With a buttery biscuit base filled with cool cream cheese, the rich sweetness is offset with a topping of fresh handpicked blackberries and a drizzle of blackberry coulis.
Zeus Juice Cinnabird 50ml Shortfill 0mg For the source of flavour, look to the skies. Uplift your senses on a thermal of freshly baked scone, adorned with a nest of juicy blueberries and a gloriously sweet cinnamon, smoothly gliding on to the next inhale.